John and Love Kumuyi tendered an apology letter to the church on the 22nd of June, but it seems the leaders already have their own plans. The couple have been suspended from the church. The church leaders also said, their wedding didn't take place in a Deeper Life Church in Jamaica and the church's tradition of dressing moderately still holds. Read the couple's apology letter below and that of the church too.
Letter of Apology
John and Love Kumuyi, write to
express our deepest and most sincere apology for the turn of events, that have resulted on our traditional and wedding ceremonies, that took place in Jamaica on 13th June and 15th June, 2013 respectively.
We unreservedly and wholeheartedly state, that we did not intend that our acts or omissions will in any way undermine the great works that God has done through the Deeper Christian Life Ministry Worldwide and more specifically , through our Father in the Lord, the General Superintendent (GS).
We also use this medium to profusely and sincerely apologies to the general superintendent for the embarrassment and heartaches our actions have caused him, more so that he had earlier declined to be at the events.
We acknowledge that we may have been distracted by cultural differences, as both of us have been outside the country for the past two decades. This notwithstanding, we fully accept that having being nurtured, taught and brought up with the sound teaching of the word of God, we should have been able to draw the line, which we failed to do.
We have now realized the effects of our actions and omission and do plead with the church for forgiveness and also appealing that any action that should be taken be directed at John and Love, as we take this time to prayerfully reflect on our actions.
We take full responsibility for what happened, and this action should in no way be blamed on the GS, or the leaders of the church in Nigeria, United States, Jamaica or United Kingdom and beyond.
Yours Sincerely,
John and Love Kumuyi.
The Church
The church says it has decided to place the couple on suspension to give them time to pray and seek forgiveness from God for their action and was announced by Pastor Philip Oluwi, a key leader in the church.Oluwi, certainly is acting on the instruction from the General Superintendent of the church, Pastor William Kumuyi, to suspend the couple for the embarrassment they brought upon the church during the wedding, emphasizing that the standard of Deeper Life regarding wedding and moderacy had not changed.
“The church, Deeper Life, remains committed to the biblical practice and standard of almost 40 years Christian dressing and still remains and does not compromise on biblical Christian dressing.
“Hence, deviation warrants the displeasure and frown of God and the leadership of the church. John and Love are now under discipline,” Oluwi announced to the entire congregation, an action that helped to calm the nerves of many Deeper Life faithful.
However, P.M.NEWS investigation revealed that John and Love’s wedding was not conducted in a Deeper Life Bible Church.
It was also not conducted by pastors from the church as Deeper Life Bible Church in Jamaica has not been licensed by the country’s government to join couples in wedlock, according to the laws of Jamaica.
The wedding was taken to another church where the ministers in the unnamed church conducted the wedding and joined them in holy matrimony.
Besides, Deeper Life leaders that came from Nigeria were said to have disapproved of the earlier gown Love was to wear for the wedding, while another was hurriedly sewed the night before the wedding.
Church leaders were said not to have seen the new dress until the couple was marching into the church and by then, it was too late to take any action as the wedding was not conducted in a Deeper Life church.
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