pheeeeeeeew tell that to the birds, flying high high high in the sky
In an interview with Nonye Ben-Nwankwo, Big Brother Africa Housemate, Beverly Osu explained her relationship with Angelo, the South African housemate. When asked how come it was Angelo she fell in love with in the house, she said,
“I had so many options to choose from in the house but I wasn’t attracted to any of them. But for some reasons I still do not understand, I fell in love with Angelo. I got attracted to
him from the first day I saw him. For now, I will see where the relationship will take us.”
How come you had sex with Angelo in the house?
“Angelo and I never had sex.I didn’t have sex in the house. I never had sex in the house. We didn’t have sex. It was not an option for us. I don’t know where the people outside got the story from. I was shocked when I came out of the house and learnt that we had sex. I cannot take my bath with a swimming suit. We all take our bath naked. I shouldn’t be singled out because I went for a reality show. I am not different”
What of all the other intimate things you did with Angelo? Didn’t you mind that the whole world was watching?
“Whatever I was doing with Angelo, I didn’t even think I was on TV. It was just the two of us. We didn’t plan anything, we were just happy. No matter how people will look at it, I don’t regret anything I did with Angelo. I didn’t bring out the video and said everybody should look at me. Big Brother brought out the video.
Don’t you think you embarrassed Nigeria in the house?
“I was in the house to represent Nigeria. Of all the people that went for the audition, I was chosen. If anybody feels he can do better, he should go and get BBA form next year and apply and get in the house. I know I represented Nigeria very well”
Culled from
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