Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Every single one of this people have something in common and that is the fact that on the right is before starting to take alcohol and the other is 10 years into taking alcohol, alcohol dehydrates you in a harmful way hence making you look much more older than you would without . I hate to bore you but alcohol cause some of the things we try to fight with age and that is wrinkles.
drinking mirror app.
 Dana Oliver, senior beauty editor, 1-5 drinks a week
drinking mirror app.
 Ellie Krupnick, senior style editor, 6-10 drinks a week

drinking mirror app
 Rebecca Adams, associate editor, 1-5 drinks a week
 drinking mirror app.
 Lauren Leibowitz, associate editor, 10+ drinks a week

The photos that result may be slightly exaggerated, but we have to give the Scottish government props for holding a mirror up to the issue of heavy drinking among women in an effort to reduce alcohol-related diseases and deaths.
 The connection between health and alcohol hasn't always been clear, especially with studies showing that moderate drinking may be linked with better overall health. Cosmetic dermatologist Dr. Oscar Hevia explains that alcohol consumption has very little to do with broken capillaries. "The sun is much more of a culprit for that than alcohol is," he said. But there's no denying that drinking causes dehydration and makes our skin look tired and unhealthy. To combat this, Dr. Rebecca Baxt recommends consuming one glass of water per alcoholic drink to keep our skin hydrated. (Easier said than done, we know.)

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